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Selectable DMX Output Speed

By default, the DMX engine transmits full-speed, full-frame DMX, and speeds close to the maximum ...

Command Formatting & Syntax

Build MIDI Messages One Byte at a Time‌ Most MIDI messages are sequences of ...

Getting Started

This guide should serve as a road map for initial installation of the DecaBox DMX to RS-232 Field...

Sample Patch File

This sample patch3.txt file can be copied and pasted as needed. ; DecaBox Protocol Converter ; ...

Output Modes

For convenience here, a PC-based DMX output utility was used to generate various DMX channel:valu...


If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...

Basic System Information

This firmware personality for the DecaBox receives DMX lighing data and generates a series of M...

Reflashing Firmware in the Field

DecaBox was designed to have different firmware personalities loaded in the field. The update p...


If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...

Toggle DMX Passthrough

Imagine this scenario: In an auditorium or small performance space, there is a Crestron / Contro...


If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...

Build a DMX Scene Channel by Channel

DecaBox can receive RS-232 commands and use them to set specific channels to levels. The syntax l...

DMX Record & Playback

The DecaBox can grab static (one-shot) DMX scenes or record continuous sequences at 44 frames per...


  System baud rate is 9600 8N1. That's 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit. If testing with a P...

Basic System Information

This firmware personality for the DecaBox receives RS-232 data and allows full control of a DMX...

Send MIDI Data via RS-232

Overview Most MIDI messages are sequences of 2-3 8-bit bytes. The largest hurdle when integratin...

Case Study - A Series of Generic LED PARs from Asia

  We've all seen this sort of light for ~$30 via the usual sources. A customer wanted to contr...

Group Command

If you're starting from scratch, most of the engine's functionality can be accessed through the G...

Drivers & Supported Platforms

Any control system with an RS-232 port can easily communicate with the DMX Engine. Over the years...


If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...